...The Edwin Diamond Award ...

The First Annual Edwin Diamond Memorial Lecture
and  Awards Ceremony

Thank you all very much for being with us today.
A commemorative lecture. A memorial award. Naming an atrium. These are some of the ways the Diamond family, in cooperation with NYU, is honoring the memory of Professor Edwin Diamond.

What comes after this lifetime is a great mystery. It is hard for me to accept that my father's boundless passion for life was snuffed out by mere sudden cardiac arrest. I take comfort imagining him in his office in Atlantis. By now he has discovered what really happened to King, Kennedy, Hoffa and Diana.

My father had a long, prolific and diverse career in journalism, that as he said, began "when the media was still called the press". Of all of his "gigs", as he joyfully referred to his multi-faceted experience, he derived great pleasure from teaching and mentoring young journalists.

In the enthusiasm of his students and the dynamic atmosphere of NYU, he found an energy commensurate with his own. He thrived on lively discussions with students gathering in the atrium.

Of the hundreds of condolences our family received, this student's sentiments were widely shared: "I was in his Journalistic Tradition class which quickly became my favorite because of his deep passion for journalism. He made me realize that the profession could be more than job, but an art, a lifestyle, and a love".

In establishing the Edwin Diamond Award, made possible by generous contributions from friends, colleagues and students, it is our family's wish to keep this spirit alive; to encourage future generations not only to exemplify the highest standards in the integrity and quality of their work, but to nurture an appreciation of the craft of journalism writing.

The first annual Edwin Diamond Award was presented last spring (1998) to graduating senior Jordan Mamone. When we learned Jordan used his award to go to Paris, Italy and Switzerland, we knew he truly embodied my father's spirit.
Since the spring, due to the continuing amazing generosity of Hues touched by my father's, as well as a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award from Penn State, we are able to increase the amount of the award.

Ellen Diamond
New York City
New York University September 17, 1998